Monday, 3 Mar 2025
Learn Japanese

50+ Common Japanese Phrases ( You Must Know)

Learning common Japanese phrases is essential for anyone planning to travel to Japan or beginning their language-learning journey. These phrases help bridge communication gaps, make conversations smoother, and allow you to connect with Japanese speakers on a deeper level. 

Understanding common Japanese phrases can also enhance your cultural awareness, ensuring that you can navigate social situations more effectively. In this guide, we’ll explore the top 50 essential Japanese phrases that you need to know for both everyday conversations and travel.

50 common Japanese phrases for beginners

Common Japanese Phrases for Greetings

When you first meet someone in Japan, greetings are crucial. Here are the top 10 Japanese greetings that will help you in any conversation:

1. こんにちは (Konnichiwa) – Hello  

   – Use this greeting during the day when meeting someone.

2. おはようございます (Ohayou Gozaimasu) – Good morning  

   – A polite way to greet someone in the morning. Informally, you can just say おはよう (Ohayou).

3. こんばんは (Konbanwa) – Good evening  

   – Perfect for meeting someone after sunset.

4. さようなら (Sayounara) – Goodbye  

   – Use this when parting ways, especially for a long time.

5. またね (Matane) – See you later  

   – A casual way to say goodbye to close friends.

6. お元気ですか (Ogenki desu ka) – How are you  

   – A polite way to ask someone how they’re doing. The informal version is just 元気 (Genki).

7. どうも (Doumo) – Hi/Thanks  

   – A very casual greeting or expression of thanks.

8. 初めまして (Hajimemashite) – Nice to meet you  

   – Use this when meeting someone for the first time.

9. よろしくお願いします (Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu) – Please treat me kindly  

   – Often said after 初めまして (Hajimemashite) to make a polite request for a good relationship.

10. いらっしゃいませ (Irasshaimase) – Welcome  

   – Commonly heard in shops and restaurants when entering a store.

common japanese phrases
List of Japanese Common Expressions for Greetings

Common Japanese Phrases for Asking and Giving Directions

Whether you’re lost or just need help getting somewhere, these Japanese phrases for asking and giving directions will be helpful:

 Asking for Directions

  1. トイレはどこですか (Toire wa doko desu ka) – Where is the restroom?
  2. 駅はどちらですか (Eki wa dochira desu ka) – Which way is the station?
  3. [Place] までどうやって行きますか (Made dou yatte ikimasu ka) – How do I get to [Place]?
  4. ここからどれくらいかかりますか (Koko kara dorekurai kakarimasu ka) – How long does it take from here?
  5. 地図で教えていただけますか (Chizu de oshiete itadakemasu ka) – Could you show me on the map?

 Giving Directions

  1. まっすぐ行ってください。 (Massugu itte kudasai.) – Go straight ahead.
  2. 右に曲がってください。 (Migi ni magatte kudasai.) – Turn right.
  3. 次の信号を渡ってください。 (Tsugi no shingou wo watatte kudasai.) – Cross at the next traffic light.
  4. [Place] は近いです。 (Place wa chikai desu.) – [Place] is nearby.
  5. 遠いので、タクシーがおすすめです。 (Tooi desu node, takushii ga osusume desu.) – It’s far, so I recommend taking a taxi. 

Common Japanese Phrases for Essential Travel Phrases

common japanese phrases
Some Travel Japanese Phrases

When traveling in Japan, there are some common Japanese travel phrases you’ll need to know to help with transportation, food, and emergencies:


  1. これはいくらですか (Kore wa ikura desu ka) – How much is this
  2. [Place] 行きの電車はどれですか (Place iki no densha wa dore desu ka) – Which train goes to [Place]
  3. 切符売り場はどこですか (Kippu uriba wa doko desu ka) – Where is the ticket counter
  4. タクシーを呼んでいただけますか (Takushii wo yonde itadakemasu ka) – Could you call a taxi for me

 Eating Out

  1. メニューを見せてください。 (Menyuu wo misete kudasai.) – Please show me the menu.
  2. おすすめは何ですか (Osusume wa nan desu ka) – What do you recommend
  3. お会計をお願いします。 (Okaikei wo onegaishimasu.) – The bill,  please.


  1. 助けてください! (Tasukete kudasai!) – Please help me!
  2. 病院はどこですか (Byouin wa doko desu ka) – Where is the hospital
  3. 警察を呼んでください (Keisatsu wo yonde kudasai) – Please call the police

Casual Japanese Expressions for Friends

common japanese phrases
List of Casual Japanese Phrases for Friends

These casual Japanese expressions are perfect for chatting with friends in informal situations:

  1. じゃね (Ja ne) – See you
  2. うるさい! (Urusai!) – You’re noisy!
  3. いいね! (Ii ne!) – Nice!/That’s cool!
  4. だめだよ (Dame da yo) – That’s not good/No way!
  5. なんで (Nande) – Why?
  6. すごい! (Sugoi!) – Amazing!/Awesome!
  7. うそ! (Uso!) – No way!/You’re lying!
  8. ちょっと待って (Chotto matte) – Wait a minute/hold on.
  9. なんか (Nanka) – Like/Sort of
  10. わかる (Wakaru) – I know/I understand

Tips for Learning Common Japanese Phrases

Learning common Japanese expressions can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can easily memorize and use them in daily life. Here are some practical tips to help you:

Practice Regularly

Repetition is key to learning any language. Make it a habit to practice these phrases every day. Start by reviewing a few phrases in the morning, and try using them in conversations with friends or through language exchange.

Use Language Apps Like MochiKanji

Apps like MochiKanji are incredibly helpful for memorizing and practicing Japanese phrases. MochiKanji offers a personalized learning experience with spaced repetition, which ensures you retain what you’ve learned over time. You can also practice pronunciation and arrange words into a sentence, which will help solidify your knowledge. 

common japanese phrases
Download MochiKanji to learn Japanese words and phrases 

Want to master these phrases and sound like a native? Try MochiKanji, an innovative app designed to make learning Japanese easy and engaging. It not only helps you expand your vocabulary but also focuses on pronunciation with audio examples and native speaker recordings. Using spaced repetition, MochiKanji ensures you retain what you learn, making it perfect for remembering these 50+ phrases and beyond. Whether you’re preparing for travel or aiming to improve your daily communication skills, MochiKanji is the perfect companion for your Japanese language journey!

By consistently practicing these Japanese phrases and incorporating them into your daily routine, you’ll gain the confidence to use them in real conversations, making your learning experience much more effective and enjoyable.

Immerse Yourself in Japanese

To truly understand the context in which these common Japanese phrases are used, try listening to Japanese TV shows, movies, or podcasts. Seeing how native speakers use the language in various settings will help you learn the nuances and cultural context behind the phrases.

Speak as Much as Possible

Even if you’re still a beginner, try to speak as much as possible. Practice with language exchange partners or join language meetups to use these common Japanese phrases in real conversations. The more you speak, the more natural it will feel.

Learn in Context

It’s not enough to memorize phrases in isolation. Learn them within specific contexts. For example, learn greetings for when you meet someone, directions for when you’re traveling, and restaurant phrases for when you’re eating out. This way, you can quickly apply what you’ve learned to real-life situations.


Mastering common Japanese phrases is an important step in your language learning journey. Whether you’re traveling to Japan, studying for exams, or just looking to improve your conversational skills, these phrases will help you communicate more effectively and confidently. Be sure to use these phrases in daily life and keep practicing regularly with language apps like MochiKanji to enhance your learning experience. Happy learning and enjoy speaking Japanese!

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