Sunday, 9 Mar 2025
Learn Japanese

50+ Easy Phrases in Japanese You Should Learn Today  

Learning Japanese doesn’t have to be overwhelming! Start with easy phrases in Japanese that help you navigate everyday conversations. Knowing basic Japanese phrases can build confidence, ease communication, and make your experience in Japan much more enjoyable. Whether you’re traveling or just starting your language journey, these easy Japanese phrases will set you up for success.

Phrases for Simple Greetings in Japanese  

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List of easy phrases for greetings in Japanese

Mastering greetings is key to polite interactions. Here are some must-know phrases:  

  1. こんにちは。 (Konnichiwa) – Hello
  2. おはようございます。(Ohayou gozaimasu) – Good morning. The casual version is just おはよう (Ohayou).
  3. こんばんは。 (Konbanwa) – Good evening
  4. さようなら。 (Sayounara) – Goodbye. A formal farewell, often used when parting for a longer time. For casual goodbyes、 またね (Mata ne) or じゃあね (Jaa ne) are common.
  5. お元気ですか。 (Ogenki desu ka?) – How are you?
  6. はじめまして。 (Hajimemashite) – Nice to meet you.
  7. よろしくお願いします。 (Yoroshiku onegaishimasu) – Please take care of me.
  8. ただいま (Tadaima) – I’m home
  9. おかえりなさい。 (Okaerinasai) – Welcome back.
  10. おやすみなさい。 (Oyasuminasai) – Good night.
  11. いってきます。 (Ittekimasu) – I’m leaving (but will be back)

Phrases for Food and Drinks  

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Basic food and drinks words in Japanese

Dining in Japan? Use these easy Japanese phrases to order and enjoy your meals:

  1. これをください。 (Kore wo kudasai) – Please give me this
  2. メニューをください。 (Menyuu wo kudasai) – Can I have the menu, please?
  3. おいしい。 (Oishii) – Delicious
  4. いただきます。 (Itadakimasu) – Let’s eat (said before eating)
  5. ごちそうさまでした。 (Gochisousama deshita) – Thank you for the meal (said after eating)
  6. すみません。 (Sumimasen) – Excuse me or Sorry to bother you
  7. お勧めは何ですか。 (Osusume wa nan desu ka?) – What do you recommend?
  8. お会計をお願いします。 (Okaike wo onegaishimasu) – The check, please

Useful Japanese Phrases to Use When Shopping  

Shopping in Japan is fun and exciting! These easy phrases in Japanese will help: 

  1. これをください。 (Kore wo kudasai) – Please give me this  
  2. いくらですか。 (Ikura desu ka?) – How much is this?  
  3. もう少し安いのはありますか。 (Mou sukoshi yasui no wa arimasu ka?) – Do you have something a bit cheaper?  
  4. 大きいサイズはありますか。 (Ookii saizu wa arimasu ka?) – Do you have a larger size?  
  5. 袋はいりません。 (Fukuro wa irimasen) – I don’t need a bag  
  6. カードで払えますか。 (Kaado de haraemasu ka?) – Can I pay by card?  
  7. 売り切れですか。 (Urikire desu ka?) – Is it sold out?  

Japanese Phrases for Questions  

When you’re unsure, ask with these easy Japanese phrases:

  1. お名前は。(O namae wa?)  – What is your name?
  2. これは何ですか。 (Kore wa nan desu ka?) – What is this?  
  3. どうして。 (Doushite) – Why?  
  4. 誰ですか。 (Dare desu ka?) – Who is it?  
  5. 何が欲しいですか。 (Nani ga hoshii desu ka?) – What do you want?  
  6. いつですか。(Itsu desu ka?) – When is it?
  7. どちらですか。(Dochira desu ka?) – Which one is it?
  8. 何時ですか。 (Nanji desu ka?) – What time is it?
  9. どこですか。(Doko desu ka?) – Where is it?
  10. どうやって。(Douyatte?) – How (do you do it)? A question asking about the method or way to do something.

Japanese Phrases for Special Occasions  

Celebrate like a local with these easy phrases in Japanese:

  1. おめでとうございます。 (Omedetou gozaimasu) – Congratulations  
  2. 誕生日おめでとうございます。 (Tanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu) – Happy Birthday  
  3. 明けましておめでとうございます。 (Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu) – Happy New Year  
  4. お大事に。 (Odaiji ni) – Please take care of yourself. (often said to someone who’s ill)
  5. 良い一日を。 (Yoi ichinichi wo) – Have a nice day
  6. よくできました。 (Yoku dekimashita) – Great job

Japanese Phrases for Asking for Help  

Helpful easy Japanese phrases for asking for help in various situations:

  1. 助けてください。 (Tasukete kudasai) – Please help me
  2. 病院はどこですか。 (Byouin wa doko desu ka?) – Where is the hospital?
  3. 英語を話せますか。 (Eigo wo hanasemasu ka?) – Can you speak English?
  4. 道に迷いました。 (Michi ni mayoimashita) – I’m lost
  5. 警察を呼んでください。 (Keisatsu wo yonde kudasai) – Please call the police
  6. 助けてください。 (Tasukete kudasai) – Please help me.
  7. 電車の駅はどこですか。 (Densha no eki wa doko desu ka?) – Where is the train station?
  8. 住所を教えてください。  (Jusho wo oshiete kudasai) – Please tell me the address

Tips to Learn Japanese Conversation  

  1. Practice Daily

Consistency is key when learning a new language. Dedicate at least 15-30 minutes each day to practice Japanese. Focus on different areas each day: one day on vocabulary, another on grammar, and perhaps another on kanji.

  1. Listen to Native Speakers:  

Immerse yourself in the language as much as possible by listening to native speakers. 

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Practice with native speakers is a good way to improve communication

Watch Japanese TV shows, movies, or anime with subtitles. You can also listen to Japanese podcasts or YouTube channels dedicated to learning the language. This helps with pronunciation, intonation, and understanding the natural flow of the language. Repeat what you hear to improve your speaking skills and mimic native pronunciation.

  1. Use Apps to Get Started Learning

MochiKanji app offers a comprehensive vocabulary list for the JLPT N5-N2 exams, organized by topic, along with sample conversations that include both images and audio to enhance your learning experience. 

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MochiKanji – the app to learn words, kanji and convrsation

The app utilizes the spaced repetition technique, particularly through the “Golden Time” feature, which helps you retain information more effectively by reviewing words and phrases at optimal intervals. Additionally, the application provides a variety of common conversation scenarios covering a wide range of topics, such as hobbies, weather, and health. This feature makes the learning process not only more engaging but also more practical, allowing you to practice real-life conversations and improve your Japanese communication skills in a fun and interactive way.


Mastering these 50+ easy phrases in Japanese will help you feel more at home in Japan and make your interactions smoother. Whether you’re saying hello, ordering food, or asking for help, these phrases are your gateway to understanding the Japanese language and culture. Start practicing today and watch your confidence grow!  

What are your favorite Japanese phrases? Share them below!

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